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It's here, it's here, it's here!

The mastermind for women entrepreneurs who are ready for more.

You're ready to live an abundant life and embody the rich woman you are.


You're done with playing small. You're a go-getter with a passion to make a difference. Most of all, you're ready to BURN the freakin' rulebook and create a life and business on your terms. YES.

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  • You’re working a lot. And when you’re not, you’re thinking about work.

  • Your pricing feels like it needs a major overhaul.

  • You’re wondering how people seem to stand out in such a saturated space.

  • You’re comparing yourself - and it’s draining you.

  • You know what you are capable of, so why aren’t you just doing the damn thing?!

  • You’ve been stuck at a plateau in your business and you’re ready to make more cash.

  • You’re doing a lot of things yourself, because no one can do it as good as you…

  • You have big plans and dreams, but damn those days just escape you. 

And if you want to collapse time around your goals, stop spinning your wheels, and GET the results you want - not the ones you just dream of - let’s do this together.  


But the question is, are you going to pull a seat up to the table?

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So our question to you is this…


If you had two coaches who know their shit, with no b.s. coaching, and other women who will help you walk the walk, what would happen?

 Welcome to the Rich Women Mastermind 

3 or 6 month options (July + August off). 1 VIP Retreat Experience. 2 incredible coaches. 1 epic community. Rich Woman Results. 


The Rich Women Mastermind will help you, 


  1. Feel LIT UP in your business.

  2. Attract AMAZING, “light you up” kinda clients!

  3. Get. More. Visible!

  4. Feel as confident as Snoop Dogg on a Sunday afternoon.

  5. Be excited AF about your pricing and packages/services.

  6. Have a clear plan of action that feels EXCITING, no more doing things because you “should” and hustlin’ all the time.

  7. Get the support you need so everything doesn’t fall on your shoulders.

  8. Feel so good about money that you swear you are Jerry Maguire… “Show Me The MONEY!”

  9. Grow your Rich Woman business from the inside out and become unstoppable as you manifest the life and business you desire.

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Why, we’re happy to share!

 What is included? 

Monthly Welcome Party

With our ongoing, monthly enrolment, we want to ensure you get the chance to connect with everyone right from the beginning, so we’ll kick off with a virtual welcome party the first Monday of each month. This is where we’ll welcome our new members, and make sure you get to know all the EPIC humans who are joining us (without the awkward introductions ).


First Monday of EVERY month. 

1x Q&A Teaching Sesh/Month

Have a question for us?


In addition to the opportunities for coaching on the live calls, once a month you’ll have the opportunity to attend a hot spot coaching call where you take the hot seat and dive into your individual businesses and your unique circumstances. This is a "fan favourite" as you gain so many gold nuggets from everyones questions.


Voxer is a walkie-talkie communication app that allows you to text, and voice message.


It's like having a coach (or two!) in your back pocket. Monday-Friday you can feel free to share anything at all in our group chat and we check in the group daily to see how we can help and support you. This is also fantastic to lean into your community and help one another stay accountable, support one another and really feel supported.

(This is a favourite feature for our clients)

1 Monthly Get Shit Done Sessions

These sessions are the as they help reinforce actually doing the work. You show up for the call, you claim what you are working on and  you are held accountable for actually doing the work that we often put off. 

The ultimate accountability and integration tool.

2 x Bi-weekly/Month -  Coaching Calls

These coaching calls are a beautiful combo of teaching, coaching, and integration where we take you from where you are and help guide you to where you want to go. 

This is where the magic happens and the results come to life.  


(every 2nd Tuesday at 2pm NST/12:30pm EST - 90 minutes)

1 x 90 Minute VIP Deep Dive 

You’ll receive a 90-minute deep dive with us to dive into whatever your heart desires. Mapping out programs, mindset work, raising prices...whatever you need - anything goes!


This is your time to get feedback for your biggest visions and goals AND get clear on what you want to achieve during our 4 months together. 


**This is not offered to the general public and is only available in this container**

Monthly EXPERT Trainings 

We have some amazing guests who are joining us to share their expertise in some key areas of business growth. Sales. Copy. Branding. Social Media. We got you.

We have the top experts in their field training you. PLUS, you get access to previous trainings.

 and drum roll please....

 le piéce de resistance...

Our retreats are truly magical. Be prepared to have an incredible 5 days of transformation.

This is the ultimate retreat to get all hands on deck to support you with mindset, strategy and a plan that sets you up to have a 6-figure year and beyond.


You will sip on champagne and soak up the sun as we do it.

FALL 2023 retreat.

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We are talking...

- 5 days of immersion in your business growth, strategy and goals
- the creme de la creme in location, vibe + food
- integration time to implement what you are learning
- time to feed the soul and focus on self care (self care is a business strategy 😉)
- an intimate community to help support you 

***airfare + accomodations not included but food + 5 day retreat is**
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Meditation Vault

Get access to Emily's million dollar meditations to help you create a money mindset that will explode your business results. These are the cats meow. 

Image by Mor Shani

Rock Your Morning Routine

One of Gina's most popular courses to help you take back your mornings and intentionally create a life and business you are obsessed with. 

Image by Brooke Lark
(all payments are non-refundable)
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4 Payments of
$2200 + tax
or PIF
$8000 + tax
6 Payments of
$2700 + tax
or PIF
$15000 + tax
What's included?
" I just signed my next paid speaking gig and hit my profit goal for January!"

Rich Women Results

Become a rich woman today!

The Rich Woman Mastermind vibe…

 ✔️ you get clear on your big vision and get YOUR blueprint to make it your reality.

✔️ you learn the expansion that happens when you invest in yourself and get INCREDIBLE support and belief that your vision is possible.

✔️you start taking action, you are feeling so held and supported and BOOM, you are getting results already.

✔️ you are sippin’ margaritas by the pool at the VIP retreat, living the rich woman life from the inside out, diving deep into your business and embodying freedom as you create your empire.

✔️you are feeling so empowered and are yielding results that blow your own dang mind and are so thankful you took a chance on you.


✔️ you feel so supported by your fellow rich women, you have adopted an unstoppable mindset and embodying the rich woman life. 


✔️ you are finding ease in your business that you have been craving and pump the breaks taking July and August off.


✔️you are feeling refreshed and realize you don't need to be working ALL the time as you reduce your hours and enjoy holidays and time away from your business.


✔️you learn to celebrate all your wins, all your growth and are so proud of all the shifts you have made and finally see your potential and power. 

You get not one, but two coaches in your back pocket that each bring their own specialties and combined, they are the perfect combo to bring you the results you desire.

We are like salt and pepper, bananas in pajamas, batman and robin, peanut butter and jelly, and we call each other wifey.

The rich woman herself.

Money blocks is her jam and she will teach you how to take the taboo of money and create financial abundance that will blow your mind.

She is the queen of intuitive coaching and will help you grow your business in a way that is unique and intuitively guided.



The queen of consistency and habits that yields AMAZING results.

Overwhelmed? Gina’s super power is taking the big dream, breaking it down into actionable steps and bringing your vision to life.

She helps her clients lead with confidence, embrace their uniqueness and grow a life and business that is authentically aligned.


and together? 

They empower women to burn the rule book, to dream big, and to create a life and business on their own terms giving the middle finger to societal norms and expectations. 

They believe in you and your vision until you are able to full accept and see your own power

They show you how to live the rich woman life, prioritizing self-care, fun, ease and simplicity.

  • How long is this program?
    This is a 3 month program but you have an option to renew for $97/month after the course is completed. This is a grow with you kinda program where we help you grow and expand through all the levels.
  • How do I know if this is for me?
    If you are an entrepreneurial woman who has big goals on her heart but also is craving freedom and balance for the things she loves, this is for you. The curriculum is designed to help you create a solid base and the bonuses will help you grow in the online space but we have people who join just for the mindset, habits and community. There is really nothing like this out there.
  • What if I can't make the live calls?
    Not to worry, there is a replay after every call + workshop PLUS a library of previous trainings you can binge.
  • Do I need to be making a certain amount to join?
    No way. One of my specialities is taking you from where you are at, and helping you to where you want to be. We have a wide range of incomes and businesses in this group.

Become a rich woman today!

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